Template for Travel Reimbursements
Intra-Corridor Travel supplemental funds are available to Corridor faculty, academic staff, and graduate students. They are intended to facilitate working group collaborations and to support participation in Corridor-funded events and activities across our region. Please review the guidelines before proceeding with any reimbursement request. These templates are provided as an example of what information you will need on hand to submit to your appropriate campus administrator, though financial processes differ by campus.
Example of Reimbursement Request
Intra-Corridor Travel for [name of individual seeking reimbursement]
- AB12: Philosophies of Cordyceps Futures -- [WG code & name]
- Keynote Lecture with Joel and Ellie on Dec. 1, 2024 -- [event title] on [month/day/year]
- http:// add calendar link -- [insert event link from the relevant Corridor calendar entry]
- [itemize expenses]
- Mileage: Travel from Colgate campus to Cornell campus, 125.4 round-trip miles @ $0.655/mile = $82.14 [attach Google Maps with distance between campuses]
- Parking: $12 [attach receipt]
- Total reimbursement: $94.14
Table of One-Way Mileage Between Campuses: