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Who to Contact

Using Corridor Award Funding

If you have a Working Group award, you should plan to work directly with your own department administrator on the campus hosting the activity. If you or your department administrator need additional guidance, contact your institutional point person below.

Corridor Administration @ Syracuse University - Contact for New Working Group inquiries and any questions about programming, policies, or Working Group awards.

Vivian M. May - Director of the Humanities Center and Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies

Aimee Germain - Program Manager, CNY Humanities Corridor

Miguel Rodriguez - Budget Associate, 315.443.9451 - Contact for SU reimbursement or expense questions.

SU Humanities Center website

Other Campus Contacts

For questions about expenditures or reimbursements at your own institution, contact the appropriate person below.

Cornell University

Durba Ghosh - Taylor Family Director of the Society for the Humanities; Professor of History

Julie McLean - Program Manager: Society for the Humanities, Rural Humanities, and Humanities Scholars Program, 607.255.4086 - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

Cornell Society for the Humanities website

University of Rochester

Peter Christensen - Ani and Mark Gabrellian Director of the Humanities Center and Professor of Art History

Jennie Gilardoni - Assistant Director of Programs, 585.276.8709 - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

UR Humanities Center website

Colgate University

Yukari Hirata - Director of the Division of the Arts & Humanities; Harrington and Shirley Drake Professor of Japanese and Linguistics

Laura Festine - Associate Director of Corporate, Foundation, and Government Relations

Dipali Joshi - Assistant Controller and Director of Grant Accounting, 315.228.7413 - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

Colgate Division of Arts and Humanities website

Hamilton College

Jeff Ritchie - Director of Sponsored Programs, 315.859.4678 - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

Penny Yee - Associate Dean of Faculty, 315.859.4615 - Contact for Intra-Corridor Travel approvals.

Nicolas de la Riva - Assistant Dean for Academic Finance and Resources, 315.859.4611 - Contact for Intra-Corridor Travel processing (once approved).

Hamilton Offices of Sponsored Programs website

Hobart & William Smith Colleges

Tania Johnson - Director of Sponsored Research

Clayton Dow - Grants Manager, 315.781.3137 - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

HWS Office of Sponsored Programs website

Le Moyne College

Temporary contact through March 2025: Melissa Short - Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, 315.445.4310 - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

Emily Mulrooney (on leave through March 2025) - Executive Assistant to Provost, 315.445.4125

LM Office of the Provost website

Rochester Institute of Technology

College of Liberal Arts:
Anna Westerstahl Stenport - Dean; Professor of Global Studies

Israel Brown - Director of Financial Planning and College Operations - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

RIT College of Liberal Arts website

College of Art & Design:
Jennifer McKean - Senior Financial Assistant for the Dean's Office - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

RIT College of Art & Design website

Skidmore College

Barry Pritzker - Senior Director, Foundation and Corporate Relations

Gina Hoefer - Senior Budget Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Dean of the Faculty - Contact for reimbursements and expenses.

Skidmore Office of the Dean of the Faculty website

St. Lawrence University

Carol Smith - Corporate and Foundations Senior Officer for Operations & Stewardship, 315.229.5574

St. Lawrence Corporate & Foundation Relations website

Union College

Mercedes Susi - Director of College Grants and Sponsored Programs, 518.388.6984

Rachael Siegelman - Assistant Controller, 518.388.6471 - Contact for reimbursement and expense questions.

Union College Grants & Sponsored Programs website

New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium

Peter Simons - Project Manager, NY6 - Contact for Intra-Corridor Travel reimbursements from NY6 schools (except Colgate & Hamilton).

New York Six website