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End-of-Year Working Group Report
Welcome to the Corridor
End-of-Year Working Group Report
Working Group end-of-year reports are required, but we really do want to hear from you and how your collaborations are going!
Reports are due annually on the
first Monday in June
. For 2024-25, the deadline is
Monday, June 2, 2025
Organizers should only submit one report per group and should coordinate with each other prior to submission.
Some information entered here feeds directly to your Working Group's web page, upon review.
To begin, select the group you would like to update.
AM7: Measuring the Cost of Museum Collections
AM8: Military Veterans Stories of Belonging, Transition, and Higher Education: Bridging the Civilian-Military Divide
AM9: Beyond the Basics of DEIB: From Conversations to Sustainable Change in Museums and Archives
AM10: AI, Archives and Museums
DH3: Global Digital Humanities
DH9: Digital Humanities in Practice
DH10: Reconstruction, Structural Analysis, and Conservation of Ancient Monuments (formerly AM4)
DH11: AI and Human Values
DH14: Virtual Embodiment Across Disciplines
HF1: Humanities Research Administrators
HF2: Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC)
HF3: Community-Engaged Public Humanities
HF4: Corridor Futures & Initiatives
HF6: Global Disability Studies
HF7: Humanities Beyond the Academy
HF8: Curating the Middle Ages
HF9: Humanities Engagement with Public Policy
HF10: CNY Graduate Student Writing Group
HF11: Language Study as a Gateway to the Humanities
HS3: Urban Humanities
HS4: Late Antiquity
HS11: The Central New York Early Americas Consortium
HS12: Legitimating the State: International Orders and Political Imaginations of China, 1300-present
HS13: Research and Narrative in Modern European History
HS15: Urban Natures
HS16: Early Modern Connected Histories
ISD5: Collectively Envisioning Black Girl Futures
ISD6: Communication & Social Justice
ISD7: Crypto-Feudalism Working Group
ISD8: Cultures of Inequality in the Sinosphere
ISD9: Humanities Across Disciplinary Borders
ISD10: Critical South Asian Feminists
ISD11: Expressive Writing and Well-Being for Minority Groups
ISD12: Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫʼ Culture and Art in our FLX Community
ISD13: Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Community Collective
ISD14: Upstate South Asias: Citizenship, Comparison, & Equity
ISD15: Interdisciplinary Studies of Inequality
ISD16: Critical Korean and Korean Diaspora Studies
LIN4: Syntax-Semantics Interface; Theoretical Linguistics
LIN9: Language Documentation in Multilingual Communities
LIN10: Language Sound Structures
LIN13: CNY Spanish Linguistics
LIN14: Computational Cognitive Models of Meaning
LIN15: Multimodal Communication
LIN16: Central New York Philosophy of Language Workshop (CNYPLW)
LLC5: Incarceration and Decarceration
LLC11: Perspectives on Europe from the Periphery
LLC12: LELACS (Lake Erie Latin American Cultural Studies)
LLC13: Word and Image in Spain and the Americas
LLC21: Gender and Sexuality Writing Collective
LLC22: Health Humanities: Medicine, Disease, Disability, and Culture
LLC23: Social and Cultural Sustainability in South Asia
LLC24: Small Press Reading Series
LLC28: Re-Imagining the Discipline: German Studies, the Humanities, and the University
LLC30: Culture and Democracy in Nineteenth-Century New York
LLC36: Latin American and Caribbean Culture: Literature and Music Project @ La Casita
LLC37: Early Modern Hispanic Studies
LLC38: Aestheticism & Decadence
LLC39: War Ecologies
LLC40: Mexicanists of Central New York
LLC41: Code-Meshing
LLC42: Textiles as Expressive Practice in the University Classroom and Campus Community
LLC43: Ecological Imaginaries of Africa and the African Diaspora
MP3: Music Theory Examples by Women
MP4: Practice-Based Performance Studies
MP5: Historical Keyboarding
MP6: Jazz and Culture
MP7: ALACI: Afro-Latinx, Latin American, Caribbean and Indigenous Performance
MP18: Improvisation in Theory and Practice
MP26: Banding Together: Exploring the Collegiate Wind Band as a Vehicle for Community, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
MP27: Asian Music Initiative
MP28: Evolving Practices in Dance and Embodiment
MP29: Global Music Perspectives
PCT1: Creighton Club - Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy
PCT3: Upstate New York Workshop in Modern Philosophy (UNYWMP)
PCT6: Critical Theory - Continental Philosophy
PCT7: Ancient Philosophy
PCT11: Theorizing Italy
PCT12: Moral Psychology
PCT17: Genealogy in the Humanities
PCT18: Political Disobedience
PCT19: Federation of Infrastructure Scholars in the Humanities (FISH)
PCT20: Marxisms Working Group
VAC33: Nation Unsettled: Explorations in New Venezuelan Cinema
VAC34: The Infernal Grove
VAC35: CNY Experimental Media Consortium
VAC36: Finding a Path Forward: Addressing Inequitable Museum Practices
Your Name
Your Email
Your relationship to the Group
This report was last submitted by
. Please submit only one annual report per Working Group; consult with your colleagues first.
Annual Report Details (for internal use only)
Share a highlight or two from your group’s activities this year.
The Corridor values meaningful collaborations in the humanities. What form did collaboration take in your Working Group? And how did this collaboration enhance your scholarly and/or creative practice?
What did you learn from this collaboration, and would you do anything differently next time?
Does your group incorporate mentoring at any level? (This is not required, but we’re interested in the implicit and explicit ways in which collaboration can foster and sustain mentoring relationships.)
Please estimate the total attendance across all your activities.
If your group had a tangible scholarly and/or creative output, please list that here. Include URLs to journal articles, books, chapters, grants awarded, exhibits, digital archives, or videos of performances.
Do you have any photos of your activities you’d like to share? (Upload photos here, or email a public link to
Upload a list of your Corridor Working Group’s Organizers, Members, and Participants with names, titles, institutions, and email addresses. Any file type is accepted. Please include your Working Group acronym in the file name.
Do you have any feedback or ideas to share with Corridor administration or the Corridor Advisory Board?
Working Group web page update (public-facing)
Group Info
Snapshot of your Group's foci, goals, and collaboration
Group status
Open to New People
Closed Group of Collaborators
+ Add Organizer
Active Working Group Members
Add each member name, title, and institution, one per line.
Leave this blank if you are a human