Laurent Ferri

Laurent Ferri
Curator and Adjunct Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Cornell University
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Laurent Ferri currently serves as Curator of the pre-1800 Collections in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, aka "RMC". Before joining Cornell as a Visiting Assistant Professor in 2006, he was "conservateur du patrimoine" at the French National Archives (2000-5). He also taught regularly, especially as Visiting Professor at the Ecole nationale d’administration in Rabat, Morocco, and at the Ecole nationale des chartes in Paris. At Cornell, he is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and a Member of the Graduate Field in Medieval Studies. A former student of Michel Pastoureau, he has authored one book and eighteen articles.
Born in Lyons, the city that received his Italian paternal grandparents, Laurent Ferri knows some French, English, German (which he tends to speak with an Austrian accent since an internship in Vienna), Latin and ancient Greek (which he rarely speaks, indeed), Italian (quite well), and even a bit of Rumanian. An avid pianist and recreational alpinist, he is interested in diplomacy, and collects ties.