Courtney Mauldin-Jones

Courtney Mauldin-Jones
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Syracuse University
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Courtney Mauldin is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the Teaching and Leadership Department in the Syracuse University School of Education. Her scholarly research focuses on amplifying the voices and leadership practices of youth of color with particular attention to how youth perspectives are central to reimagining and transforming K-12 leadership and schools. In her most recent project, Dr. Mauldin uses a critical arts-based approach with elementary-aged youth to co-construct educator resources, influence school policy change, and integrate youth voice into the school setting in meaningful and innovative ways. Her most recent publications are featured in Frontiers in Education, Journal of Educational Administration and History with chapter contributions to the Routledge Handbook of Critical Education Research as well as the forthcoming Routledge text, Standing with Youth, Family, and Community Educational Leaders in School Leadership: Case Studies for Educational Equity and Justice. Prior to joining Syracuse University, Dr. Mauldin completed her doctoral degree at Michigan State University in Educational Leadership with a specialization in Urban Education. While at her former institution, she taught courses in both Teacher Education, Urban Education and Leadership Development.Currently, Dr. Mauldin facilitates the Central New York Educators of Color Dialogue and runs the teen book club, The Breedlove Readers which she co-founded in Syracuse in Spring 2020. She maintains an active membership and role in the University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA), the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and Division A of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).