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Reading: “CLAC at a SLAC: A Distinctive Model for Teaching Languages Across the Curriculum in the Context of a Small Liberal Arts College” by Oscar A. Pérez and Viviana Rangil.
This week's reading discusses the ways in which Skidmore University’s language program has leveraged the CLAC model to effect institutional change regarding the place of languages in the curriculum. Their approach seeks a redefinition of the pedagogical approach that challenges existing paradigms of the hierarchical ownership of knowledge.
Ch. 9 of Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum in Higher Education: Harnessing the Transformative Potentials of CLAC Across Disciplines" (Ed. India C. Plough and Weloré Tamboura). Copies of the volume are available at host institutions.
Feb. 9, 2024, 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
HF2: Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC)
Category: Writing/Reading Group
Audience: Open to Working Group Members or Invitation-Only
Host: Colgate University