University Students’ Perspectives on Language Learning
About This Event
Why do universities have language “requirements”? Carlo Cinaglia compared one university’s curricular framing of language study with student perspectives about language learning to understand students’ decisions to (dis)continue world language study. Implications are offered for language policy articulation promoting investment in language learning. Matt Coss will share a collaborative language-program-based study of student perceptions of language learning benefits and their enrollment intentions. Using surveys, reflections, and a longitudinal awareness-raising intervention we explored non-linguistic competency developments in an undergraduate French program. Findings highlight the diverse perceived advantages of language study and offer insights for language programs amid ongoing enrollment challenges. Join on Zoom.
Featured Guests
- Carlo Cinaglia, doctoral candidate in Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
- Matt Coss, doctoral candidate in Second Language Studies, Michigan State University
Feb. 21, 2025, 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
HF2: Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC)
Category: Workshop or Mini-Seminar
Audience: Open to Working Group Members or Invitation-Only
Host: University of Rochester
Category: Lecture
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