Rebecca Karl - "The Austrian School of Economics in China: 1930s/1990s"
About This Event
This talk is derived from the third chapter of Rebecca Karl’s 2017 book, The Magic of Concepts: History and the Economic in Twentieth-Century China . It analyzes and describes how a certain form of anti-socialist economics -- the Austrians -- was defeated in the 1930s and re-emerged in the 1990s as all-but-hegemonic in China and the world. Taking up the philosopher-economist Wang Yanan and his critique of the Austrians, the paper is a consideration of how we might think the possibilities of the present in crisis through a consideration of economic and social crises of the past.
Featured Guests
Rebecca Karl, NYU
Nov. 11, 2022, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
ISD8: Cultures of Inequality in the Sinosphere
Audience: Open to the Public
Host: Syracuse University
Category: Lecture
RSVP by Nov. 10, 2022